The East Lothian Palliative Care team with the Bunny Buddies

Bunny Buddies: A Comforting Cuddle During Difficult Times

The East Lothian Palliative Care Team have introduced ‘Bunny Buddies’ to provide a source of comfort and help families dealing with loss and grief start difficult conversations.

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NHS Staff writing on the chalk board in the SALT Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

Transforming Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

We have continued our programme of art and therapeutic design to improve patient experience at East Lothian Community Hospital. The latest project has created bright, stimulating Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) rooms to support children on their communication journey.

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Wendy Cameron- How your support is making a difference

I’m Wendy Cameron, a Team Lead Physiotherapist at NHS Lothian. I’ve worked for the NHS for 32 years and have […]

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21 March 2022 / Newbattle Abbey College, Dalkeith

Lothian Green Social Prescribing Forum

Thank you to everyone who attended our first face to face Green Social Prescribing Forum. The event created space for […]

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