Nurse speaking to a patient who is sat in a chair

Specific and Ward Funds

Supporting NHS Lothian to excel for the communities it serves

Every year we support colleagues across NHS Lothian to to improve the care and experience patients receive in our hospitals and local communities.

Specific funds are held by us and managed locally by a Fund Steward so that teams can provide additional patient comforts, specialist equipment, staff development and research projects which are over and above what is provided by the NHS. Hundreds of separate funds are held for specific hospital wards, departments and other areas, and receive donations and legacies from grateful patients and their families. Specific Funds are held by the Charity but managed locally by a Fund Steward.

If you’re an NHS Lothian member of staff, get in touch with us to find out how we can support you and your team to drive forward a new project.

Not sure what funding is available?

If you’re not sure if you have a specific fund that you can access to take forward a project, then get in touch. We can provide advice and guidance on whether the project is applicable for funding and what funding sources are available to you.

Find out more about how other teams have improved patient care thanks to funding from NHS Lothian Charity

Teams from NHS Lothian Charity and Sunndach and Calareidh standing beside the new adapted minibuses

Transforming the lives of children by opening up a world of adventures

We are delighted to have supported the teams at Sunndach and Calareidh to purchase new, specially adapted minibuses to allow young patients with complex medical needs to participate in social activities and excursions.

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The East Lothian Palliative Care team with the Bunny Buddies

Bunny Buddies: A Comforting Cuddle During Difficult Times

The East Lothian Palliative Care Team have introduced ‘Bunny Buddies’ to provide a source of comfort and help families dealing with loss and grief start difficult conversations.

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Building for the Future: Supporting a Legacy of Patient-Centred Care at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre

We are delighted to have supported the teams at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre with their ongoing programme of works and their holistic approach to patient care.

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NHS Staff writing on the chalk board in the SALT Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

Transforming Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

We have continued our programme of art and therapeutic design to improve patient experience at East Lothian Community Hospital. The latest project has created bright, stimulating Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) rooms to support children on their communication journey.

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