Staff Wellbeing Microgrants
Grants of up to £500 available to fund activities that support the health and wellbeing of staff.
NHS Lothian Charity supports Staff Wellbeing Microgrants which are managed and distributed by NHS Lothian’s Work Well team.
Applications must meet the following criteria;
- The duration of the project must not be longer than three months.
- Applicants should outline how they plan to measure the impact of the project on the wellbeing of their staff. This could include a questionnaire, verbal feedback or development of other initiatives as a result of the project.
- If using service providers to deliver particular activities, they need to be qualified with appropriate liability insurance cover in place.
- Funding is not available to support current projects, however it can be applied for to supplement funding from other sources.
To apply for a Staff Wellbeing Microgrant, please complete an application form. This form is available on the Staff Health and Wellbeing pages of the NHS Lothian staff intranet. Please note, you need to be logged into the NHS Lothian network to access the intranet.
Looking for more information?
If you would like more information on Staff Wellbeing Microgrants, please contact the Work Well team.