23 May 2022

Post Prostatectomy Hydration

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Thanks to funding from NHS Lothian Charity, the team in the Outpatients Department at the Western General Hospital was able to take forward an idea that they had to support patients who have had a robotic prostatectomy and are discharged home with a catheter within 24 hours.

Robotic Co-ordinator, Linda Taylor, applied for funding to provide water bottles for patients who have had their prostate removed, to help them remember to keep hydrated after they have been discharged. These simple 500ml water bottles have ‘Drink 5 a day’ written on them to remind patients that they need to drink 2.5 litres of water a day, to reduce complications after the procedure and avoid readmission to hospital due to infections.

Linda says:

“The bottles are a success as the idea is simple. Patients are given so much information on discharge, they can’t retain it all. So using the ‘5 a day’ message is useful as they recognise this concept with the 5 a day for fruit and veg. etc.

“We have less phonecalls and returns to hospital due to catheter issues by encouraging them to drink enough and not too much.

“And the patient feels rewarded by having this little gift and are then more likely engage in what you need them to do.”