18 March 2024

Providing comforts for families when they need it most

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ECC Relatives Room

Within the Oncology department, we have supported NHS Lothian staff to establish a sanctuary for families navigating a terminal illness diagnosis. This dedicated Relatives’ Room offers vital respite during challenging times, providing an opportunity to relax, make refreshments and gather their thoughts.

Complete with amenities like a fridge, TV and en-suite bathroom, it allows families to take a moment for themselves while remaining close to their loved ones, ensuring they are able to provide unwavering support during incredibly difficult moments. The inclusion of comfortable furnishings and artwork from the Charity’s collection enhances the atmosphere, creating a welcoming environment where families can gather, reflect and find strength together.

Families are provided with keys for access and storage, with designated cupboards available for their personal items.

We wanted it to feel more homely and less like a hospital setting. That’s why we have picked nice bedding and home furnishings, so families feel like they are removed from the clinical setting. It’s a safe space for them to have privacy and gather their thoughts or just make a cup of tea.”

Leanne, NHS Lothian Staff member

In addition to catering to families, the room also serves as a resource for hospital staff, offering a private but comfortable setting for sensitive conversations with patients and their relatives. Its proximity to the wards provides convenience without intruding on the clinical environment.

The space makes a huge difference, addressing the need for privacy and respite for families facing difficult circumstances, while also serving as a quiet space for hospital staff to support their patients and families.

Do you have an idea to improve patient care?

Up to £5,000 is available through our Small Grants programme to support NHS Lothian staff take forward projects that demonstrate a clear benefit to NHS Lothian patients.

Find out how others have used charity funding to support patient care

Teams from NHS Lothian Charity and Sunndach and Calareidh standing beside the new adapted minibuses

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The East Lothian Palliative Care team with the Bunny Buddies

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NHS Staff writing on the chalk board in the SALT Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

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Surgery team talking to a patient in theatre

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