13 February 2024

Bringing Smiles and Connection: How Therapy Ponies and Owls are Uplifting Patients at Ellens Glen Hospital

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Therapy Ponies

NHS Lothian staff are supporting patients wellbeing through innovative approaches to care that go beyond traditional medicine. At Ellens Glen Hospital, therapy animals like ponies and owls are bringing a touch of magic to patients’ lives.

These furry and feathered friends aren’t just there for cuddles (although those are certainly welcome!), their presence has a profound impact on patient wellbeing. Bringing therapy animals into wards helps to reduce stress and anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and improve mood.

Two therapy ponies with a member of NHS Lothian staff
Therapy ponies, Willow and Flicker visiting Ellens Glen Hospital

For patients at Ellen’s Glen, a visit from Willow and Flicker is a bright spot in their day. The sight of staff, patients, and loved ones all connecting with the animals creates a heartwarming atmosphere filled with laughter and shared joy. One staff member said:

The patients and staff love the interaction with the animals and birds. It lifts their mood and brightens up the day. Staff get a huge kick out seeing the animals but also the expression on the patient’s faces. Our relatives love it too and are always keen to get in on the act.”

NHS Lothian Staff, Ellen’s Glen Hospital

This innovative approach to patient care highlights NHS Lothian’s commitment to holistic wellbeing. By recognising the importance of emotional health alongside medical treatment, NHS Lothian is helping patients find moments of happiness and connection on their road to recovery.

Therapy Owls

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Up to £5,000 is available through our Small Grants programme to support NHS Lothian staff take forward projects that demonstrate a clear benefit to NHS Lothian patients.

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