Our Common Humanity

This beautiful glass installation by Juli Bolanos-Durman (@julibd_com ) was shaped by community engagement with art and highlights the very basic human need for connection.
Created by Juli Bolaños-Durman, “Our Common Humanity” was created in collaboration with patients at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
Patients took part in workshops and those interactions informed the development and outcome of the final piece. It is a play of glass and light, shaped by community engagement with art, and highlights the very basic human need of connection.
Every glass piece is brought to life by deconstructing discarded glass, which has been collected and donated by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital Community. Juli then reconfigured the elements through play and embellished the decadent layers using local heritage hand-cutting techniques. Playing with light brings the beautiful shadows to life whilst manifesting the magic of a second chance. In the end, each piece is a poetic act of rebellion; a resilient rebel that embodies a symbol of hope.
It was commissioned by NHS Lothian Charity for The Royal Edinburgh Hospital. The artwork was loaned to the Scottish Parliament while the hospital underwent refurbishment and was installed at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Royal Edinburgh Building for World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2023. It is Juli’s largest installation to date, in partnership with GRAS Architects.
Image Credit: Sharon Tofts