Fund Stewards
Working together to help your teams go above and beyond and continue to provide exceptional care to your patients and colleagues.
We are delighted to work with fund stewards to facilitate the use of charitable funding to help your teams go above and beyond and continue to provide exceptional care to your patients and colleagues.
Managing Funds Effectively
To help you effectively manage the funds that you are responsible for and meet the wishes of grateful donors who have generously supported your ward, department of service, we have put together A Guide to Accessing and Supporting Funds.
Accessing Fund Statements
Statements for all our funds are available to view via a shared drive on the NHS computer network. If you are unsure how to access these funds, we have put together a Guide to Accessing Fund Statements. Please note that this form is held on the staff intranet. You will need to be logged into the NHS Lothian network to access it.
Useful Documents
You can get quick and easy access to the forms and documents you need to manage your funds by opening our Guide to Accessing and Supporting Funds or visiting our page on the NHS Lothian Staff intranet directly. Please note you will need to be logged into the NHS Lothian network to access the staff intranet and any links held in our Guide.
Latest Newsletters
Our newsletters also provide a great source of information, with highlights, feature stories and useful dates for your diaries. You can access all our latest newsletters by visiting: nhslothiancharity.org/news-events/read-our-latest-staff-newsletter/

Download your Guide to Accessing and Supporting Funds
Our Guide to Accessing and Supporting Funds contains all the information that you need to manage and support the funds you are responsible for.
Got any questions?
If you have any questions about your fund, get in touch with Natalie Franks, our Programmes Team Administrator