Jane Ferguson headshot

23 March 2021

Blog: One Year Since Lockdown: Reflecting On The Past ...

With this week marking a year since the country officially went into lockdown, Jane Ferguson, Director of NHS Lothian Charity, […]

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Close up of woman smiling at camera

31 December 2020

What I Learned Starting A New Job Under Lockdown

Starting a new role can be daunting, but what about starting a new role under lockdown? Our Community and Events […]

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Proclaimers CD cover and green CD

3 December 2020

The Proclaimers Re-Release Sunshine On Leith To Suppor...

Warner Music has announced their plans to reissue the single ‘Sunshine on Leith’  in support of NHS Lothian staff. This […]

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NHS Lothian staff member in a garden, head up, thinking

13 October 2020

NHS Lothian Staff Tell Their Stories Of Coronavirus In...

NHS Lothian Charity’s Tonic Arts team has launched a series of documentary style short films featuring NHS Lothian staff telling […]

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22 April 2020

1,500 Free Meals To Be Distributed Daily For NHS Lothi...

From this week, 1,500 free meals will be delivered each day to NHS Lothian night shift staff working on the […]

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