
Give a Regular Gift

From the everyday to the transformational, by committing to a regular gift, you will ensure that we can continue to make healthcare better for NHS patients, their loved ones and staff for years to come.

Regular gifts help us plan for the future, a future where we can work in partnership to improve, change or save lives, and keep families together for longer. We appreciate that each individual has different means and motivations and simply ask you to give what you can. Your gift, combined with those of fellow supporters, will create a lasting difference for years to come.

Sign up for regular giving today and make a lasting impact

Meet Steve

Steve Elliott, a Clinical Nurse Manager at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Steve Elliott, Clinical Nurse Manager

My name is Steve Elliott, and I’m a Clinical Nurse Manager at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre. I support the nursing teams to deliver the best care and treatment possible for people living with cancer in the Lothians and beyond.

“I’m extremely proud to have worked for NHS Lothian for the last 30 years, and I’m equally proud to be an NHS Lothian Charity Ambassador. I’ve seen first-hand the power that gifts from generous donors can have on the healthcare journey. From ground-breaking research and cutting-edge technology to the everyday things that make hospitals feel less clinical, NHS Lothian Charity is there to make healthcare better for everyone.

“NHS Lothian Charity supports some of the best researchers in the country who are working hard to fight, treat and cure many health conditions in pioneering ways. Cancer is on the rise, 1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime. Our Edinburgh Cancer Centre is a world-class leader in cancer care, striving for earlier detection and higher survival rates in patients. NHS Lothian Charity has provided funding for specialist colleagues who are conducting life-changing clinical research trials to achieve this.

Edinburgh Haematology Centre
Edinburgh Haematology Centre

“I know that care is much more than treatments and medicines. The environment we treat patients in is also hugely important. There is extensive evidence that the use of art in healthcare settings to create therapeutic spaces reduces anxiety and stress, accelerates recovery, reduces medication use, and shortens the length of stays in hospital.

“Because of generous supporters, NHS Lothian Charity can invest in creating spaces with comfortable chairs for healing, and therapeutic art that provides a welcome distraction. It is small changes, but they make a big difference.”

Give a regular gift

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Nurse talking to a patient in hospital