
Thank you!

Your donations make a huge difference

You’ve done something amazing today, and we can’t thank you enough.

Thanks to kind people like you, we can help support the incredible things that happen across NHS Lothian every day. Together, we can make healthcare better for those closest to us; friends, family, colleagues.

Here are some of the ways donations like yours are helping staff and patients across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

The Midlothian Hospital at Home team with llamas on their team building day

A Day of Wellness and Development: Investing in staff to improve patient care

Our commitment to enhancing wellbeing support for our NHS Lothian colleagues recognises that happy and healthy staff leads to better patient care.

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Three children feeding a llama as part of a trip for young people with a cancer diagnosis

Making a difference for children living with cancer

Young people aged 13 to 18 who are undergoing treatment for cancer enjoyed a special trip to connect with others and try new experiences.

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Building for the Future: Supporting a Legacy of Patient-Centred Care at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre

We are delighted to have supported the teams at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre with their ongoing programme of works and their holistic approach to patient care.

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Enhancing the Patient Experience at East Lothian Community Hospital

Thanks to the generous support of The Blythe Family Trust, we are delighted to be funding several key projects designed to significantly enhance the experience of patients and their families, with a particular focus on those in our inpatient wards who require more specialist and long-term care.

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