Green Health
Harnessing the potential of our Natural Health Service
We are increasingly recognising the important role of greenspace and green health activities on our health and wellbeing. In fact, greenspace is often now described as our natural health service.
Through our Green Health programme, we work in partnership with NHS Lothian to make the most of our estate and community greenspaces as health assets.
NHS Lothian published the first health board led Greenspace and Health strategy in Scotland. The framework sets the priorities for how health and wellbeing can be supported through the NHS Lothian estate, publicly accessible greenspaces and green health activities. NHS Lothian Charity is working with a wide range of partners to deliver this vision.
Did you know we have a dedicated Green Health microsite?
As well as lots of practical information such as downloadable resources and useful links, our microsite also features Green Health project updates, latest news and upcoming events. So, if you have a passion for improving health and wellbeing, and climate resilience through Green Health initiatives, then this site is for you.
How we are supporting Green Health

First Hospital In Scotland To Get A Green Flag Award
The Royal Edinburgh Hospital (REH) has become the first hospital in Scotland to receive the Green Flag Award (Thursday 14 […]

Groundbreaking Biodiversity Audit And Climate Change A…
NHS Lothian Charity supports ground breaking biodiversity audit and climate change assessment by funding a project between Greenspace Scotland and […]

Nature Being Prescribed In Edinburgh To Support Health…
GPs at five practices in Edinburgh have started prescribing nature as part of a new collaboration between RSPB Scotland and […]

New Funding Award Eases The Journey To Recovery For Pa…
NHS Lothian Charity is delighted to have awarded Cyrenians 3 years of funding to provide vital support to patients currently […]
The Impact of our Green Health Programme

Edinburgh Urban Nature Map
All The Therapeutic Benefits Of Nature (In The City!) During the pandemic there have been many discussions about the positive […]

Supporting Access To Health Walks At The Royal Infirmary
Thanks to support from NHS Lothian Charity, a new Health Walk has been established around the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. […]
Green Health Events
Over the year we run a number of Green Health events looking at how our green spaces can help improve health and wellbeing and ways you can get involved. Visit our dedicated Green Health microsite for details of upcoming events.

Join our Green Health Network
If you feel passionately about the benefits of nature and their potential in addressing health inequalities, visit our dedicated Green Health microsite and join our Green Health Network.