Portrait of Aderonke Olaide

Aderonke Olaide

“So when you go for your break or for fifteen minutes; morning break, I usually have it here and just, you know, just relax.”

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Portrait image of Adrian Velasquez

Adrian Velasquez

“Sometimes you want to socialise, but other times, you just want peace. Like reading a book or just watching TV. Or just calm.”

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Portrait of Denise Farrell

Denise Farrell

“Sometimes Suzy will come with me and we’ll just be like; ‘that’s it, we’re just taking a half an hour.’ And we’ll just go and we’ll sit somewhere and we’ll just put the world to rights.”

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Portrait of Elaine Brown

Elaine Brown

“Sometimes it’s very hot in the hospital and just coming out and getting a breath of fresh air makes it so much better. The air just blows everything away.”

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Portrait of Emma McLeod

Emma McLeod

“Sometimes I put music on and just listen to that while I’m tidying stuff up – I quite like to order things and organise stuff – just making a list of things and working my way through, ticking things off quietly with nobody disturbing me.”

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Portrait of Gemma Turnbull

Gemma Turnbull

“The noise of the water’s quite relaxing. You get away from all the beeping, the hustle and bustle. I just come outside the hospital, sit outside next to the river. It’s nice to get fresh air when you’ve been inside for so many hours.”

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Portrait of George Galbraith

George Galbraith

“I like sitting there. There’s a lot of nature there actually, herring gulls and wee dipper birds.”

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Portrait of Hannah Godfrey

Hannah Godfrey

“I didn’t know where to go and I thought ‘okay’. And it was really close. So I started from there and I walked in and I was like ‘ahhhh’ – big sigh. Got myself together and then walked back out. And I was like, ‘right, let’s do this’.”

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Portrait of Ishwinder Thethy

Ishwinder Thethy

“Once I just sit down in the sun, it’s like someone’s just recharged me. It just feels like this abundance of energy.”

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Portrait of Kathy McLean

Kathy McLean

“It only takes five minutes sometimes just to have some peace and quiet, a cup of coffee on your own, and then you can go back out refreshed.”

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