23 March 2020 - 31 August 2021

NHS Lothian COVID-19 Appeal Helping Our Staff And Patients Through COVID-19

NHS Lothian COVID-19 Appeal Group Photo

COVID-19 has had a major impact on staff and patients across NHS Lothian.

Throughout this incredibly challenging period, we’ve stood side by side with our remarkable NHS Heroes; committed to supporting staff and patients through COVID-19 and beyond.

How your support is making a difference

Thanks to the extraordinary generosity and kindness of our many donors, fundraisers and supporters, we have been able to provide urgent assistance to meet immediate requirements as well as a programme of long-term support.

COVID19 Appeal Staff Infographic
COVID19 Appeal Patients Infographic
AppealWellbeingHero 3

Read more about the impact your support has had on our NHS Lothian Colleagues.