Amal Al Sayegh

Portrait image of Amal Al Sayegh

Amal Al Sayegh

Consultant Psychiatrist, St John’s Hospital
Haven: Office

My office is extremely drab, with drab colours, a very drab view of another brick wall on the outside. But what I really value about it is that it’s a personal space where I can have personal items that have been given to me over the year. So when I come in, I can remember that I’m a mother and sister and wife and a daughter, I’m not a consultant psychiatrist. I have a little doctor’s case and a little heart that my son made me during the pandemic out of Lego and I have a little heart hanging in the window that my other child made me just to remember that we love you. And I’ve got that RNLI little stress ball that my husband gave me to calm down. These objects mean a lot to me.”

Amal Al Sayegh Havens Diptych

Listen to Amal talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work