Catriona Horsburgh

Portrait of Catriona Horsburgh

Catriona Horsburgh

Nurse Practitioner, Western General Hospital
Haven: FACE Garden

I come here sometimes when I’m on my break. In the summertime it does get really, really warm in here, and you can buy an ice cream in the shop and sit with your ice cream. And because you’re that step removed from the ward, you can sort of gather your thoughts a bit more. I think one of the things that we should say to the new entrants into the NHS is ‘value your break’. People find it really easy to give it up because it’s so frantic a lot of the time and people eventually start pushing it back and pushing it back. I think – value your break and however you want to spend it, it’s yours. So if you want to put your headphones in because you value peace and quiet, or you just want to watch your programme, you know, do that and have half an hour or fifteen minutes, whatever it is, of just being yourself again, because I think this job does require you to become a persona sometimes rather than yourself.”

Diptych image of Catriona Horsburgh and their haven

Listen to Catriona talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work