Catriona Luff

Catriona Luff Portrait Havens Featured

Catriona Luff

Team Leader, Bonnyrigg Health Centre
Haven: Staff Kitchen

We have this kitchen area which is used as a place that people can come to get some time out or come and have their breaks or have their lunch or any other breaks that they’re having through the day. it is a wee bit tired, but it is a space where you can come and you can get some time out away from your desk, away from your computer, maybe away from the noise and hub of the office it’s very busy and the phones. I use it because I like just sometimes to come and zone out and just have fifteen, twenty minutes of, I don’t know, sometimes I might read something, look at my phone, or sometimes it’s just about staring into space.”

Catriona Luff Havens Diptych

Listen to Catriona talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work