Craig Hurnauth

Portrait of Craig Hurnauth

Craig Hurnauth

Radiology Specialist Nurse, St John’s Hospital
Haven: Fluoroscopy Room

This is my haven, the fluoroscopy room, or Room 3 as it is in St John’s. This is the room where I spend the vast majority of my time with patients and organising things for patients. if I’m not in my office, I’m in here. I also call this my wee dookit as well. One of the things we get is the children come into this room and it’s quite intimidating for children. So over the years, we’ve done our best to try and make it as child-friendly as we can.”

Diptych image of Craig Hurnauth and their haven

Listen to Craig talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work