Lucy Knox

Portrait of Lucy Knox

Lucy Knox

GP Trainee, East Lothian Community Hospital
Haven: Keepcup

I’ve got a Keepcup, which is one of the insulted ones with a lid which I bought as an F1, so that when the consultant arrived for the ward round impromptu and you’ve just made your cup of tea and you are about to do your paperwork you could put it down you could do the ward round and you come back and your tea was still warm. Honestly, it’s made such a big difference to my life.

“Often just sitting outside on your lunchbreak is really nice, like sitting in the sun. When you’re on call, you have your bleep with you, you need to be back in the ward within a couple of minutes if there’s been an emergency. Even if no one’s unwell, you know, you are expected to respond. And you can actually phone from your mobile back to the ward. But it comes through as an external call so they might not pick that up because they’re waiting for the internal call from you. There’s an expectation that if you’re on your lunch, then you come back if something has gone on. I think it’s also important not to kind of dismiss that, you know, we are being paid to look after these patients, and sometimes you do just have to put the work in. You’re not guaranteed any recognition or time off for that, but that’s kind of the privilege of our job, compared to some of the other health care professionals and hospital doctors, we do have much more autonomy in how we structure our day.”

Diptych image of Lucy Knox and their haven

Listen to Lucy talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work