Mary-Catherine Doran

Portrait of Mary-Catherine Doran

Mary-Catherine Doran

Human Resources, Waverley Gate
Haven: Terrace Garden

One of the first things I looked up was the terrace, because I’d heard of it when i was transferring to this location – and my first day here it was actually raining but I was adamant to come and see it. And it kind of did take my breath away because it’s so beautiful. It’s just a really nice haven away from the chaos that could be your work day. And for me, getting outside is so important. So even if it’s cold, even if it’s rainy, I’ll just pop up here for a little bit, with my coffee or something, and then get back to my day.”

Diptych image of Mary-Catherine Doran and their haven

Listen to Mary-Catherine talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work