Megan Davies

Portrait of Megan Davies

Megan Davies

Psychiatrist, Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Haven: Office

My haven is here in my office, which is probably a strange thing to say, but in here there are a lot of the things which make me feel slightly like I’ve removed the antiseptic smell of the hospital corridor. I remember particularly when the pandemic happened, I really liked coming back, stepping back in here because it was a kind of scary time.

“Some plants which I’m trying to keep alive. So these are the things that just remind me a little bit of other hinterlands apart from work.

“In my office I’ve got poster up on the walls of exhibitions that I’ve been to, and quite a lot of artwork and poetry from patients that I have and they’ve given to me over the years, and the photographs of my children, my mother.

“It can be quite stressful, you know. You can have people shouting at you and it can be quite emotional at times. Sometimes I can just shut the door here, it’s a bit quiet for a while.”

Diptych image of Megan Davies and their haven

Listen to Megan talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work