Hannah Godfrey

Portrait of Hannah Godfrey

Hannah Godfrey

Deputy Charge Nurse, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Haven: Resus Stock Cupboard

My haven in the department is the stockroom of the resus area – it’s just – always closed, always locked. I suppose actually, I’ve done that since I ever started here. There was one shift in particular, I was very, very new, there was a lot going on and I said to the senior charge nurse at the time, ‘Can I just have a minute?’ And I didn’t know where to go and I thought ‘okay’. And it was really close. So I started from there and I walked in and I was like ‘ahhhh’ – big sigh. Got myself together and then walked back out. And I was like, ‘right, let’s do this’.”

Diptych image of Hannah Godfrey and their haven

Listen to Hannah talking about their Haven

Join more of our amazing NHS Lothian staff on their journey to discover their hidden havens.

Filming an NHS Lothian member of staff in the kitchens where they work