Iliana Ortiz
“I’ve got my wee lip balm and stuff. Everything I need right next to me, my sunglasses.”

Ishwinder Thethy
“Once I just sit down in the sun, it’s like someone’s just recharged me. It just feels like this abundance of energy.”

Jamie Martin
“It’s somewhere where I can physically shut the door. They tend to be quiet spaces.”

Jim Scott
“I’ve always thought myself personally that I’m reborn every spring. More so working the job I do because it’s seasonal and spring’s always like rebirth and regeneration.”

Julie McGourty
“I come out by myself usually, maybe a bit of a break between the two sessions that I do because sometimes it’s quite nice to have five minutes to yourself and just decompress a little bit. It’s very peaceful. Being outside and seeing plans and things is good for your mental health, there’s no doubt.”

Kathy McLean
“It only takes five minutes sometimes just to have some peace and quiet, a cup of coffee on your own, and then you can go back out refreshed.”

Kayleigh Gibson
“Sometimes you could go all day without having a break. But I mean, you never mind, that’s what you’ve signed up for in the job. It’s always important to make sure you’ve got some water and emergency snacks.”

Lee Falconer
“I sit in the cab if it’s raining, have the radio on, play about with my phone. But if it’s a nice sunny day, I’ll sit out on a bench or go for a wander and sometimes part down at the beach, so sometimes I walk along the beach.”