Portrait of David Miller

David Miller

“It’s nice, we like it down here. This is our wee domain, our wee hidey-hole.”

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Portrait of Frances Wood

Frances Wood

“It’s a lovely staff room – I sit in the comfy seat – there’s the big windows – it’s quite therapeutic, just sitting and chilling and reading your phone.”

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Portrait of Gillian Hawthorne

Gillian Hawthorne

“Five minutes ‘me time’.”

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Portrait of Lee Falconer

Lee Falconer

“I sit in the cab if it’s raining, have the radio on, play about with my phone. But if it’s a nice sunny day, I’ll sit out on a bench or go for a wander and sometimes part down at the beach, so sometimes I walk along the beach.”

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Portrait of Lucy Knox

Lucy Knox

“I’ve got a Keepcup, so that when the consultant arrived for the ward round impromptu and you’ve just made your cup of tea and you are about to do your paperwork you could put it down you could do the ward round and you come back and your tea was still warm, Honestly, it’s made such a big difference to my life.”

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Portrait of Tina Makedenge

Tina Makedenge

“And it’s mine, it’s nobody else’s. It belongs to the hospital but it’s my space.”

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The East Lothian Palliative Care team with the Bunny Buddies

Bunny Buddies: A Comforting Cuddle During Difficult Times

The East Lothian Palliative Care Team have introduced ‘Bunny Buddies’ to provide a source of comfort and help families dealing with loss and grief start difficult conversations.

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NHS Staff writing on the chalk board in the SALT Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

Transforming Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Rooms at East Lothian Community Hospital

We have continued our programme of art and therapeutic design to improve patient experience at East Lothian Community Hospital. The latest project has created bright, stimulating Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) rooms to support children on their communication journey.

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Enhancing the Patient Experience at East Lothian Community Hospital

Thanks to the generous support of The Blythe Family Trust, we are delighted to be funding several key projects designed to significantly enhance the experience of patients and their families, with a particular focus on those in our inpatient wards who require more specialist and long-term care.

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Nurse and elderly patient smiling at each other

Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities (RITA)

Everyone has a story to tell and our colleagues at NHS Lothian are helping their patients tell theirs. Thanks to […]

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