Teams from NHS Lothian Charity and Sunndach and Calareidh standing beside the new adapted minibuses

Transforming the lives of children by opening up a world of adventures

We are delighted to have supported the teams at Sunndach and Calareidh to purchase new, specially adapted minibuses to allow young patients with complex medical needs to participate in social activities and excursions.

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Portrait of Anne Wilson

Anne Wilson

“We always try and have lunch together. In the summer we’ll come round here, we usually have deck chairs and we’ll sit here half an hour because that’s usually all we will take.”

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Portrait of Cara Black

Cara Black

“Sometimes, especially night shift, you’ll find us all sleeping in here or in the computer room or playing pool, which I tend to do.”

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Catriona Luff

“I use it because I like just sometimes to come and zone out and just have fifteen, twenty minutes of, I don’t know, sometimes I might read something, look at my phone, or sometimes it’s just about staring into space.”

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Portrait of Claire Beswick

Claire Beswick

“It’s just a really nice, quiet spot to come for lunch in the sun, and just gather your thoughts.”

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District Nursing Team Havens Portrait

District Nursing Team

“My wee safe haven’s my car.”

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Portrait of Iliana Ortiz

Iliana Ortiz

“I’ve got my wee lip balm and stuff. Everything I need right next to me, my sunglasses.”

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Portrait of Kayleigh Gibson

Kayleigh Gibson

“Sometimes you could go all day without having a break. But I mean, you never mind, that’s what you’ve signed up for in the job. It’s always important to make sure you’ve got some water and emergency snacks.”

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Portrait of Margaret Callander

Margaret Callander

“I come up to the terrace because it’s a breathing space and I get the sun in my face, I can smell the rosemary. I can look at the plants, look out over the rooftops.”

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Portrait of Mary-Catherine Doran

Mary-Catherine Doran

“It kind of did take my breath away because it’s so beautiful. It’s just a really nice haven away from the chaos that could be your work day. And for me, getting outside is so important.”

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