NHS Lothian staff member talking to writer and photographer Lottie Davies

Havens Stories

Join our NHS Lothian staff as they explore their Havens; those pockets of peace where they can switch off and recharge

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Portrait of Beverley Franklin

Beverley Franklin

“In the summer it’s just full of colours.”

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Portrait of Cara Black

Cara Black

“Sometimes, especially night shift, you’ll find us all sleeping in here or in the computer room or playing pool, which I tend to do.”

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Portrait of Catriona Horsburgh

Catriona Horsburgh

“I come here sometimes when I’m on my break. Because you’re that step removed from the ward, you can sort of gather your thoughts a bit more.”

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Catriona Luff Portrait Havens Featured

Catriona Luff

“I use it because I like just sometimes to come and zone out and just have fifteen, twenty minutes of, I don’t know, sometimes I might read something, look at my phone, or sometimes it’s just about staring into space.”

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Portrait of Chloe Brain

Chloe Brain

“This is where I go to take a breather, have lunch, sunbathe – it’s a very good sunbathing spot because it’s a courtyard so there’s no wind really and it gets hot, which I like. Sometimes I’ll call my mum.”

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Portrait of Chris Stirling

Chris Stirling

“I’d always noticed it as an interesting place to walk through because of the steam that rises from the pathway, and it always made me think of a New York sort of sidewalk.”

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Portrait of Christine Forrest

Christine Forrest

“Some days I wish I was a bee, honestly.”

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Portrait of Claire Beswick

Claire Beswick

“It’s just a really nice, quiet spot to come for lunch in the sun, and just gather your thoughts.”

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Portrait of Cleudes Da Silva Golebiowski

Cleudes da Silva Golebiowski

“I come to the park to rest my mind a little bit. I can feel the air is clear. I’m from Brazil, and the light and the birds in the trees, in the green, remind me of my place.”

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Portrait of Craig Hurnauth

Craig Hurnauth

“This is the room where I spend the vast majority of my time with patients and organising things for patients. If I’m not in my office, I’m in here. I also call this my wee dookit.”

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