Enhancing the Patient Experience at East Lothian Community Hospital

Thanks to the generous support of The Blythe Family Trust, we are delighted to be funding several key projects designed to significantly enhance the experience of patients and their families, with a particular focus on those in our inpatient wards who require more specialist and long-term care.

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NHS staff smiling at the camera dressed as elves for the National 'Elf Service

16 November 2023

Help NHS Lothian Charity bring Christmas cheer to pati...

NHS Lothian Charity has launched its new festive event, The National ‘Elf Service Day, to help support NHS Lothian staff to bring Christmas cheer to patients in hospitals and communities, creating joyful memories for those who are unwell.

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Helping children deal with sudden and traumatic loss

The Critical Care Unit at the Royal of Infirmary Edinburgh deals with sudden and traumatic deaths which can present unique […]

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1 October 2023

NHS Lothian staff and patients take on 5K challenge to...

Staff and patients from William Fraser Centre and Islay Centre undertook a 5K walk to raise money for NHS Lothian Charity and help support therapeutic ponies for the Centres at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

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The London Symphony Orchestra in the NHS Project from Edinburgh International Festival. Photo – Mihaela Bodlovic

22 August 2023

London Symphony Orchestra Strikes a Chord with Staff a...

World-renowned London Symphony Orchestra has performed a series of ground-breaking concerts at four hospitals across NHS Lothian as part of the Edinburgh International Festival. The uplifting events, organised in collaboration with NHS Lothian Charity, saw patients and staff enjoy some respite and distraction through an afternoon of music.

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Amy Young, NHS Lothian Charity Fundraiser, presenting a check to REDU, St John's

Amy’s story – Why I wanted to raise money and say thank you to the Regional Eating Disorders Unit team who saved my life

Amy Young struggled for years with a combination of bulimia, anorexia and over-exercise. As Amy continues with her recovery, she […]

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22 November 2022

Help NHS Lothian Charity create a brighter Christmas f...

NHS Lothian Charity, has launched its Secret Santa appeal to help raise the spirits of those who are spending Christmas […]

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Jenny’s Story – How A Small Gift Can Have A Big Impact

My name is Jenny Pewsey, and I am a former patient of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. While I was studying […]

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9 August 2022

Views sought on Astley Ainslie Greenspace Management P...

We are seeking your views on the development of our greenspace management plan for the grounds of the Astley Ainslie […]

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Providing Wellbeing Packs for Patients in Blackford Ward

The team in Blackford Ward at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital used funding through NHS Lothian Charity to provide wellbeing packs […]

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