Supporting The Wellbeing Of Community Health Teams

Your donations have allowed us to be there for all staff during the pandemic, not just those on the frontline […]

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Supporting Staff Who Require Alternative Accommodation

When we talk about the pressures that NHS workers are facing, we immediately think of those on the frontline, in […]

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Supporting The Equalities Networks Through A Programme Of Creative Engagements

Thanks to our fantastic donors and grants received from NHS Charities Together, we have been able to fund this amazing […]

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Supporting Young People Across Lothian When They Need It Most

NHS Lothian Charity is proud to be supporting Medics Against Violence and NHS Lothian on the innovative ‘Youth Navigator’ project, […]

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Reducing Inpatient Isolation During COVID-19

With the obvious medical challenges of COVID-19, come other emotional challenges which can leave patients feeling very vulnerable. Things like […]

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Small Grant Funding for a RFU Bike at REH

Supporting Patient Rehabilitation And Recovery

Thanks to donations received through our NHS Lothian COVID-19 Appeal, and grants received from NHS Charities Together, the Robert Fergusson […]

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Supporting Patients Through Virtual Visiting

During these unprecedented times, more and more people are using mobile phones to stay in touch with family and friends. […]

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Supporting Patients With Cancer During COVID-19

Since the emergence of COVID-19, patients with cancer have experienced significant changes to cancer care and treatment. Many uncertainties exist […]

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Nurses sitting down holding thumbs up

Why I Want To Create A Wellbeing Space For Me And My Team

Kirsty Jack, a Senior Charge Nurse at Midlothian Community Hospital, tells us why creating a calm and comforting staff wellbeing […]

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Providing Art And Activity Packs For Patients During Visiting Restrictions

Thanks to generous donations received through our NHS Lothian COVID-19 Appeal and grants from NHS Charities Together, we have been […]

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